Thursday, September 26, 2013

Packaging it all up!

As I sit here watching my DVRed Jimmy Fallon, (because there is no way I could stay up late enough to watch it live!) I am updating our "Prospective Adoptive Parent Biographical Information."  It did not take me long. I sat with our last home study next to me and checked each section.  Many of them will include the same information we gave in 2009, in sections as, child rearing philosophy, our marriage relationship, education, religious/spiritual, family background, health (praise God!) and thoughts on adoption.  The sections I needed to update were home/community, employment (I HAVE NONE!), children (we added one), and leisure/recreational.  What, you ask, may have changed in our leisure/recreational activities?  Oh, just that we are oldER now and may not be playing the sports we used to enjoy as often:-)

Currently Emery is in New York and when he returns he will look over these, to make sure I didn't lie on them. After it gets the editors approval, I will make copies of EVERYTHING....approximately 29 pages.  It will then be packaged up and sent off to the adoption agency.  I plan to have them in the mail Monday (no pressure Emery.)

Then the ball is in their court.  They will need to review all these documents, probably visit with us and update the home study.  So that's where we are right now. Each little step is one step closer to bringing a sister home to these little guys and a daughter for us. 

For now, life goes on.... This weekend we celebrate Xavier's 3rd birthday! 3 years this little ball of energy has been in our lives.  He's so busy and always says the funniest things.  Isaiah, a little shy at first, but when you get to know him he is a goofball.  He has such a dynamic personality and is good at just about anything he tries!  Makes me think about what the 3rd child will be like....Hmmm.......

Monday, September 23, 2013

Back to the drawing board....

There have been many different circumstances that have led to the formation of our wonderful little family. To start, Emery and I met, fell in love, got married......blessing #1.  A month later cancer struck our lives.  I was diagnosed with cervical cancer and after a few minor procedures, the devastating news was delivered. A newlywed and childless, I would have a radical hysterectomy within days of my 26th birthday.  Following a bit of sadness over the loss of being able to carry a baby, Emery and I were very positive throughout my treatment.  I had surgery and was given the all clear immediately....blessing #2.

We both always wanted children, so not long after we chose to begin looking into our options.  I have always been interested in adoption, so it seemed like that was the natural way to go.  So many decisions to make throughout the we want a baby, older, white, Asian.....boy or girl.......domestic adoption/international adoption......special needs.....accepting of babies exposed to drugs.....medical!  Enough to make your head spin!

Fast forward through this process and a little over a year after it began, we came home with our first son, Isaiah. We had chosen to get an infant and it didn't matter the race.  Life was good.  We had a little guy that we loved more than anything in the world....he was our world. He was blessing #3 from our All powerful God!

Fast forward a few years and after another long process, we are bringing home our next bundle of joy Xavier.  Another little boy to love and nurture.  Blessing #4.....another boy.....we had considered asking for a girl, but in the end decided in God wanted us to have a girl, we would get a girl.  Can not imagine our life without this little ball of energy who keeps me busy everyday.

Fast forward 3 years again.  We have decided to go for Blessing #5!  We are back to the drawing board. Only this time we have decided not to fast forward through it.  We are going to blog this whole experience.  So each and every one of you can ride this roller coaster with us.  It's going to be one heck of a ride!

Starting with the paper chase.  Over the past few weeks, I have chased down background checks, fingerprinting, birth certificates, copies of licenses, central abuse hotline search, employment verifications, physicals and affidavits of good moral character.  After taking Xavier for his physical exam tomorrow, I will have the pleasure of updating our biographical information.  Answering lots of questions about our family, how we spend our free time, how we discipline our children, who will care for our children if something happens to us, education background, and everything about our marriage.

And lucky you! If you decided to follow this blog, you will be there every step of the way.  I hope you enjoy getting to experience how we bring home the next member of our family.  Thanks for reading!  Until next time.......