Monday, September 23, 2013

Back to the drawing board....

There have been many different circumstances that have led to the formation of our wonderful little family. To start, Emery and I met, fell in love, got married......blessing #1.  A month later cancer struck our lives.  I was diagnosed with cervical cancer and after a few minor procedures, the devastating news was delivered. A newlywed and childless, I would have a radical hysterectomy within days of my 26th birthday.  Following a bit of sadness over the loss of being able to carry a baby, Emery and I were very positive throughout my treatment.  I had surgery and was given the all clear immediately....blessing #2.

We both always wanted children, so not long after we chose to begin looking into our options.  I have always been interested in adoption, so it seemed like that was the natural way to go.  So many decisions to make throughout the we want a baby, older, white, Asian.....boy or girl.......domestic adoption/international adoption......special needs.....accepting of babies exposed to drugs.....medical!  Enough to make your head spin!

Fast forward through this process and a little over a year after it began, we came home with our first son, Isaiah. We had chosen to get an infant and it didn't matter the race.  Life was good.  We had a little guy that we loved more than anything in the world....he was our world. He was blessing #3 from our All powerful God!

Fast forward a few years and after another long process, we are bringing home our next bundle of joy Xavier.  Another little boy to love and nurture.  Blessing #4.....another boy.....we had considered asking for a girl, but in the end decided in God wanted us to have a girl, we would get a girl.  Can not imagine our life without this little ball of energy who keeps me busy everyday.

Fast forward 3 years again.  We have decided to go for Blessing #5!  We are back to the drawing board. Only this time we have decided not to fast forward through it.  We are going to blog this whole experience.  So each and every one of you can ride this roller coaster with us.  It's going to be one heck of a ride!

Starting with the paper chase.  Over the past few weeks, I have chased down background checks, fingerprinting, birth certificates, copies of licenses, central abuse hotline search, employment verifications, physicals and affidavits of good moral character.  After taking Xavier for his physical exam tomorrow, I will have the pleasure of updating our biographical information.  Answering lots of questions about our family, how we spend our free time, how we discipline our children, who will care for our children if something happens to us, education background, and everything about our marriage.

And lucky you! If you decided to follow this blog, you will be there every step of the way.  I hope you enjoy getting to experience how we bring home the next member of our family.  Thanks for reading!  Until next time.......


  1. Are you using the same agency? Did they give you guidance with respect to which docs were required?

    1. Hey Girl! we are using the agency that finalized Isaiah's adoption and they were the agency we used for the whole process with Xavier. They sent a packet with all required documents and a list of things we needed to collect such as birth certificates, marriage license, letters of recommendation etc. They don't hang ya out to dry. They are VERY helpful and always there to answer questions.

  2. I look forward to tagging along for the ride. Thanks for sharing.
